Replace the brake band

The brake band is attached to the internal brake tensioner using a Lark's Head knot.  To remove the old brake band, first disconnect the spring from the eye:


Next, slacken the brake tensioner by turning the wooden brake adjustment knob counterclockwise while you pull on the swivel of the brake band: replace-brake-02.jpg

Use a needle or the pick from your miniSpinner Maintenance Kit to open the Lark's Head knot on the swivel:


Open up the loop and pull the spring and the rest of the brake band through the loop:


Slid off the swivel:


To install the new brake band, thread the loop from the brake tensioner through the eye of the swivel:


Then, thread the spring and the rest of the brake band through the loop:


Pull it tight...


Then reconnect the spring and you're done:
