Excellent piece of kit. Bought during your night (I'm in the uk) same time as I bought some bits and bobs from two counties over. My controller is purring away happily, my other buys, who knows!
Excellent service as always.
The new foot switch is an improvement on the first one. I found it more reliable easier and for storing.
I always had issues with the foot switch that came with my spinner could not get it to go all the time.
I'm hoping this new switch holds up better than the two past ones did. The very first switch I got had a label that reminded the user how to connect (what order to connect power and switch) to get deadman mode, or the other mode. I took that label off and saved it. It would be nice if that was reinstated on the new switches.
As usual, superb customer service.
This was just what I needed to replace my original foot switch that had begun to work only intermittently after 12 years. The detachable cord is genius, and makes storage easier to prevent over bending the cord.
My old switch started working intermittently so ordered new one, it arrived surprisingly fast since I live in uk I thought I'd have a long wait good price and shipping not to bad. The foot switch works great and I like that the power wire unplugged from the foot switch, I'm very pleased with
Works beautifully
I misplaced the original foot switch and power supply for my espinner. Received the order quickly and was a perfect match.
My original foot switch came with a sticker on it reminding me the order of plugging things in for deadman mode or the other one. I took that sticker off the old (broken) switch and put it on the new one.
New switch solved the problem I was having. Yay!
It works great
Surprisingly, this is my second replacement of this item. I guess it does get more wear than you might think as it has been well used. I am sure I have spun many hundreds of miles on my spinner. Service is always fast and the foot metal does have what appears to be sturdier connections on both ends. I'm always pleased with these products.
Love it.. works great.
I love everything about my new pro. The foot control completes my set up. It has a quick response and is easy to use.
Makes the operation of the espinner so much better.
I have an early model mini spinner and it wasn’t new when I bought it. The original (I think) foot
The foot petal that came with my Hansen broke after a couple months. It could have been operator error but they were willing to send me a new one no questions asked. That is excellent service in anyone's books. Thank you Kevin and team.
I love my Hansen Mini Spinner but wish I had a switch that was not actually designed as a foot pedal. When I use it as a hand switch, the cord is very long and sometimes difficult to tuck out of the way. It is also big enough that it does not fit comfortably beside my spinner on my Zuca bag. I wish my spinner came with two switches, one for floor and another intended for hand use sitting on a table. This switch should be small enough to sit beside my mini spinner on my Zuca bag.
I love the slow start up and slow stop down. Easier than using the toggle switch
The foot switch is well built. I will be very careful in using it and will remember in storage not to wrap the cord around the foot switch..
I don't treadle anymore, and when I did, it was always in my stocking feet, so as not to damage or mar the treadles. I can be rough with these foot switches! I stomp on them when I have a slug, or (aack!) lose the fiber into the orifice. I have one that's beginning to look/work a little worse for wear, and wanted an extra for when I stomp the life out of the second one: 0 ). Oh, yes, and I can wear shoes! No more freezing feet!
My foot switch was intermittently working so called Hansen and received immediate help with trouble shooting over phone. After Beth talked to Kevin, she sent me an email with recommendation of buying a new foot switch so ordered & received the new foot switch in two days! Thanks so much!!
The foot switch is wonderful when working. I left my seat in a hurry (phone ringing) and tripped on the cord while it was attached to the mini spinner. On opening the switch every visible part was in place. The trouble seemed to be with the operation of the lever. I have not enjoyed spinning using the hand switch so my warning to all is, don't trip on the cord or you will be up for the cost of a new unit, plus the time lost while it is freighted to the other side of the world.