Electrifying Long Draw Zoom session - 2 hours Thursday, March 15th

Current Stock:

Please make note of Amelia's email address if you sign up for this class so your computer won't throw her emails into spam.      ameliagarripoli at gmail dot com   
You will be getting several informative emails from her.

Our newest class, Electrifying Long Draw - by popular demand.  Amelia says long draw spinning is not for the faint of heart!  It takes time to master.  However, with her great instruction techniques, she's happy to show you the steps to follow to master it.  It is her favorite way to spin!

"Long draw's smooth efficiency enticed me to master it; I love the graceful motions it uses to draft and create yarn. Even getting a rudimentary ability to long draw can improve your spinning by increasing your drafting spectrum." says Amelia

For this class you will need to have on hand:
1/2 oz fine wool top (merino, cormo or other short-staple fine wool)
1/2 oz of ONE of these; cashmere, camel, or yak top (optional)
1/2 oz of UPLAND cotton sliver (other kinds will work, but upland is the best)

You may want to have 8 ounces each of the fine wool top and cotton sliver so you can keep practicing after the class.  Cashmere/camel/yak are usually more expensive, so you may want to master cotton first.  But they can be easier to long draw than cotton, so if you have a bit to try, it can help you be successful.

This class will go over how to spin long draw on a flyer and on a quill.  We will spend the first hour on the flyer, the second on the quill.  This method of spinning feels like a dance when all is going well!

This class is for experienced e-spinners master spinning and plying on your e-spinner before tackling long draw.  And pack your patience, as practice is your key tool to learning long draw


Demand for our classes has been amazing...so if you are interested be sure to "buy" right away! 

About Amelia:
Amelia Garripoli has taught spinning for more than 10 years and is the author of our Power Spinning book.  She has taught small local classes for us, as well as regularly taught power spinning at Madrona Fiber Arts Retreat for years. She has blogged, written other spinning books and many articles for Spin-Off and Ply about spinning. You can read more about her at Ask the Bellwether.

  • 2 pm Eastern Time
  • 1 pm Central
  • noon Mountain
  • 11 am Pacific


Cancellation policy;

Refunds will only be given within 7 days of purchasing the class.

No one wants to have to cancel just prior to a class, and if they do it is because of a change in personal circumstances, illness, or something far more serious.  We understand the serious nature of cancellations, but HansenCrafts cannot bear the sole risk for the circumstances that cause you to cancel.  We all take risks when we buy tickets ahead.